individual independent project | 2019
advisor: John Spychalski, Professor Emeritus
created for use by the Centre Area Transportation Authority
This project attempts to increase CATABus ridership by making service more efficient. Six sections explain the implementation of potential internal operations improvements in the policy, network, infrastructure, and communication domains. View the full report:
Report Sections
Executive Summary
Main Sections
Report Highlights

A system map showing all routes—including their routings downtown and on Penn State’s campus—allows riders to capitalize on the entire network and provides developers and student renters a view of the most frequent transit corridors serving existing apartments. The same graphic principles can be applied to stop information panels to give riders more information tailored to their individual stop. A clarified view of the current network also catalyzes effortless manipulation of routes by CATA based on future development and potential efficiency increases.
Potential stop information panel showing stop timetable and route map
Proposed interlined campus services, creating a new, more efficient set of trunk lines

Data of travel, traffic, and stop durations recorded from 118 self-recorded individual bus rides shows the potential benefits of strategically placed bus lanes, all-door boarding paired with proof-of-payment, and more numerous doors on buses with fewer passenger movement chokepoints.

Potential 40 foot bus layout with three doors and fewer chokepoints
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